Simple, digital, networked

A project from AOK, HÄV, MediVerbund & abasoft

One more step towards digitization and very easy for EVA customers

The digitalization project Einfach Digital Vernetzt of AOK Baden-Württemberg, HÄV and MEDIVERBUND is based on the concept of an award for applications' participation. In the first step, the following functions are triggered:

  • eAU
    Electronic transmission of the incapacity certificate 1a sample to the health insurance company
  • eAB
    Digital exchange of electronic doctor's letter between general practitioner and specialist
  • House comet
    Providing and maintaining of electronic drug information related to the patient about patients

Technically, only eAU and eAB are currently applicable immediately. The home comet function will come soon. However, other functions have been planned that wil be done in the future.


Advantages of the project:

  • participation is optional
  • participation is attractively rewarded
  • using is very easy and fast



Participation in one or more selective agreements with AOK Baden-Württemberg according to §§ 73b, 73c, 140a SGB V



  • General practitioners and HZV participants declare their participation in HÄVG AG exclusively digitally on the doctor's portal (
  • Experts or FAV participants declare their participation in MEDIVERBUND AG with a written statement of participation
  • Activation at Abasoft by ordering the module as online from the store or at / 07141 - 14 12 140 

Everything related to the procedure and pricing model can be found again at following addressing:
or you can download the official information form here ...